Exchange-Traded Derivatives provides an overview of the globallisted futures and options markets, and how individual exchangesand products are adapting to a new operating environment - anenvironment characterized by rapid, almost continuous, change. Thisbook serves as an ideal resource on the 21st century listedderivative markets, products and instruments. Divided into three parts, Exchange-Traded Derivatives begins byproviding an overall understanding of the marketplace and theforces that have, and are, altering the operating environment -stressing how exchanges need to change in order to cope with thechallenges. The author then provides a comprehensive description ofleading established exchanges, detailing their origins andstructure, range of products and services, strengths and'weaknesses'. The book concludes with a look at emergingmarketplaces - those in developing countries as well as new"electronic" platforms - that are likely to increase in importanceover the coming years. Exchange-Traded Derivatives is a valuable reference for fundmanagers, corporate treasurers, corporate risk managers, CFOs andthose seeking a detailed guide to the world's derivative exchangesand products.
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