Financial Risk Management covers the strategies, principles, and measurement techniques necessary to measure and manage financial risk. With a focus on management perspective, this book explores re…
In the classroom, ABC looks like a great way to manage a company's resources. But many executives who have tried to implement ABC on a large scale in their organizations have found the approach lim…
A thoroughly revised and updated edition of a textbook for graduate students in finance, with new coverage of global financial institutions. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of a wide…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perbedaan gender dalam eksekutif perusahaan terhadap risk aversion dan strategic risk-taking serta melihat apakah risk aversion eksekutif dapat …
The story of how Michael Dell grew a dorm-room, custom-PC shop into the world’s leading computer systems company, in just 21 years, has become part of modern business lore. But until now, none of…
A unique perspective on applied investment theory and risk management from the Senior Risk Officer of a major pension fund Investment Theory and Risk Management is a practical guide to today's i…
In their substantially revised Third Edition, McShane and Von Glinow continue the trailblazing innovations that made previous editions of Organizational Behavior recognized and adopted by the new g…
The 5th Edition of Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation by Burgelman, Christensen, and Wheelwright continues its unmatched tradition of market leadership, by using a combination of tex…
Recent volatility in commodity prices, exchange rates, interest rates, and stock prices brings increasing attention to the economic importance of futures and options markets. The 1990s promise cont…