While operational risk has long been regarded as a mere part of "other" risks--outside the realm of credit and market risk--it has quickly made its way to the forefront of finance. In fact, with im…
A thoroughly revised and updated edition of a textbook for graduate students in finance, with new coverage of global financial institutions. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of a wide…
The fixed income markets in emerging countries represent and new and potentially lucrative area of investment for professionals, but with greater risk. This fully updated and revised edition of the…
Despite their conservative nature, fixed income instruments are among the investment industry's most complex and potentially risky investments. Fixed Income Mathematics is recognized worldwide as t…
An in-depth look at the latest innovations in mortgage-backed securities The largest sector of the fixed-income market is the mortgage market. Understanding this market is critical for portfolio…
Target Market: Fixed Income Securities Courses or Bond Markets Courses Fabozzi's, Bond Markets, prepares students to analyze the the bond market and use the tools for managing bond portfolios. …
For students enrolled in Fixed Income Securities Courses or Bond Markets Courses. An applied approach to understanding bond markets. Through its applied approach, Fabozzi's Bond Markets prepare…
For students enrolled in Fixed Income Securities Courses or Bond Markets Courses Learn how to assess and invest in bonds with this best-selling text. Fabozzi's Bond Markets is the most applied b…
In order to effectively employ portfolio strategies that can control interest rate risk and/or enhance returns, you must understand the forces that drive bond markets, as well as the valuation and …
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)-securitizations of mortgage loans backed by commercial real estate-have become compelling devices for fixed income investing. This title, edited by reno…