Using the proflierating volume of social science data and concepts on the subject, this book attempts to provide an alternative interpretation of the business conduct of the ethnic Chinese of East …
Our aim in writing this book is simply to introduce students to the fascinating and rewarding method of economic inquiry; but we have carried out that purpose in ways different from those used by o…
In this witty, accessible, and revealing book, Donald McCloskey demystifies economic theory and practice to show that behind the economists claim to certainty is the ancient art of storytelling. I…
This engaging and intelligent book provides an accessible, down to earth assessment of the role of formalism and rigour in economics.Professor Mayer argues that there is room in economics for both …
Economics in the News is an innovative workbook designed to help you apply the economic theories learned in your principles of economics class to current events. Articles from the Wall Street Jo…
Presenting a new political and historical theory of the mixed economy, this book is a convincing argument for a challenging social ideal - democratic communitarianism. Individualistic notions of li…
The contents of the book are Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 An Introduction to Regression Analysis Chapter 3 Some Applications of Multiple Linear Regression Chapter 4 Maximum Likelihood Metho…
The contents of the book are I. COMPANIES 1. Big Business Goes Global : profile, GE-FANUC 2. The Third Industrial Revolution : profile, Cummins Engine 3. Global "dis-integration" : profile, Int…
This textbook offers a succinct introduction to the world of business. With the perfect balance between economic theory and practical application, the third edition takes a contemporary approach to…
This text aims to help students understand the art of model building, what type of model to build, building the appropriate model, testing it statistically and applying the model to practical probl…