One of the most important activities undertaken under the UNDP/ILO/ASEAN Programme on Industrial Relations for Development (RAS/81/033) was the ASEAN Tripartite Symposium on Labour Protection and L…
Sudah banyak buku yang membahas statistika dan ekonometrika, tetapi masih sangat jarang buku yang membahas EViews. EViews adalah program komputer digunakan untuk mengolah data statistika dan ekonom…
Krisis multidimensional di Indonesia yang dipicu dari kemerosotan nilai tukar rupiah sudah berlangsung lebih dari 5 tahun. Karena penanganan yang bertele-tele, krisis telah merembet ke hampir semua…
This edition introduces students to the broad field of applied econometrics - including basic techniques in regression analysis. It provides an effective bridge to both on-the-job problems and to t…
This is an excerpt from the 4-volume dictionary of economics, a reference book which aims to define the subject of economics today. 1300 subject entries in the complete work cover the broad themes …
The Fourth Edition offers new improvements: - Condensed matrix approach to linear regression - Improved and condensed chapters on Econometric Modeling - A new chapter on Nonlinear Regression Mod…
As we introduce the third edition of this book, we can reflect on the fact that many changes have occurred in the Canadian labour relations scene in the 20 years since the materials were developed …
The primary objective of the fourth edition of Essentials of Econometrics is to provide a user-friendly introduction to econometric theory and techniques. This text provides a simple and straightfo…
This edition introduces students to the broad field of applied econometrics - including basic techniques in regression analysis. It provides an effective bridge to both on-the-job problems and to t…
For a one-year graduate course in Econometrics. This text has two objectives. The first is to introduce students to applied econometrics, including basic techniques in regression analysis and some …