One of the dramatic shifts that is occurring in the world system as we enter the twenty-first century is the increasing openness and interpenetration of national economies and sovereign states. Thi…
Recent instability in the financial markets has shaken confidence in the global economic order. Is the current variant of ?free market? capitalism in fact sustainable? This remarkable book explains…
Capitalism now reigns triumphant--but in the process has created dramatic inequalities of wealth and left many individuals feeling disconnected. Backed by enthusiastic support from a wide array of …
The Evolution of Korean Industrial and Employment Relations explores current employment and workplace relations practice in South Korea, tracing their origins to key historical events and giving cu…
The last decade of the 20th century witnessed striking progress in the developing world and at the same time, it also saw stagnation and setbacks. Economic growth is key to development both in its …
Argues that capitalism (or free-market economies) is a naturally occurring phenomenon and the way human society organizes itself for survival in a world of limited resources. Offers a view of the h…
In this new textbook, the author brings together theoretical analysis and empirical evidence to provide an understanding of the economic forces determining the structure, growth and development of…
The author presents a detailed analysis of the past performance of a large range of developing countries. They are used to examine the opportunities facing other countries in the 1990s. Analysis of…
The contents of the book are 1 Introduction: The Main Institutions 2 Criteria for Evaluation of International Institutions in World Trade 3 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) 4 The General A…
A study prepared for the International Labour Office within the framework of the World Employment Programme.