Nowhere is the historic global transformation creating a new international context more striking than in East and South Asia. Leading specialists here discuss key economic and political changes wit…
This book asks why some countries have responded to the external constraints and opportunities arising from their global and regional economic context by opening up their economies. In particular, …
Aims to demonstrate how a new Asia can be built through the adoption of the new Asian way, drawing on lessons from both the East and the West. Shows how modern methods of wealth creation, governanc…
Once the jewel in the crown of the formidable British Empire, India has been surrounded by myth for years. After gaining independence in 1948, this often misunderstood country found itself faced wi…
The new competitive challenge from Chinese businesses is like nothing seen by Western companies since the Japanese arrived twenty years ago with their cars and consumer electronics. To fend off the…
Asian Advantage is the most comprehensive and up-to-date strategic resource for managers and executives expanding their operations in Asia. Packed with current data on business, economic, cultural,…
Meskipun kajian-kajian sejarah ekonomi Indonesia tergolong langka, namun dalam setiap penulisannya selain cenderung memperlihatkan pola-pola yang berulang, seperti eksploitasi negara terhadap sumbe…
Paradoks dari kejatuhan Presiden Soeharto adalah kesan bahwa Indonesia berubah banyak, sekaligus hampir tidak ada perubahan. Hal itu terjadi karena hanya struktur kekuasaan dan institusinya yang be…
Analisis kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia dan peran International Monetary Fund (Dana Moneter Internasional) dan Bank Dunia.
Berbagai perubahan yang kini terjadi dalam perekonomian Indonesia memang menarik untuk dianalisis. Beberapa pengamat bahkan memandang kesemuanya ini sebagai terobosan baru dalam kebijaksanaan ekono…