This paper seeks to present a complete and concise picture of the traditional Albanian economic system, much of which still exists, an analysis of the main economic developments and policies during…
The contents of the book are Chapter 1 Historical background Chapter 2 Physical, natural and human resources Chapter 3 Structure and growth of the economy Chapter 4 Structure and operation of t…
This edition introduces students to the broad field of applied econometrics - including basic techniques in regression analysis. It provides an effective bridge to both on-the-job problems and to t…
This textbook presents labor relations as a system for striking a balance between the employment relationship goals of efficiency, equity, and voice, and between the rights of labor and management.…
The first book to address public policy in the light of recent corporate debacles Corporate Aftershock is a reasoned, informed response to the numerous proposals to restrict derivatives, structured…
This book provides an analysis of the role and effectiveness of unions in selecting their strategy to meet the needs of their members in developing countries, focusing in Indonesia after the end of…
Presents the "new" labor economics. This book also presents traditional topics such as: labor law, structure of unions, and collective bargaining, since these issues also play an important role in …
What will life be like in America , Europe , Japan or China in the year 2020? As everyone's lives across the world are become increasingly interconnected by globalization and new technologies quic…
Hanya sedikit negara yang mengalami fluktuasi tajam seperti Indonesia. Buku ini menawarkan analisis, evaluasi, dan penjelasan yang berimbang mengenai kinerja perekonomian Indonesia sejak tahun 1967…
The comprehensive range of topics includes: the concept and measurement of development; economic theory and development; economic quality and development; human resource development; international …