The numerous anecdotes alone are worth the price of the book . . . most readers will find themselves asking why everyone doesn't run a business as preached by the chief executive of Continental Air…
Airport Management is an up-to-date and industry-relevant textbook providing useful insight into all aspects of airports. With more than a decade of experience as an airport administrator, author D…
In recent years, the airport sector has moved from an industry characterised by public sector ownership and national requirements, into a new era of airport management which is beginning to be do…
Combining the considerable respective expertise of Triant Flouris and Dennis Lock, this unique book highlights the ways that successful businesses are managed in the aviation industry through the i…
Practical Aviation Security: Predicting and Preventing Future Threats, Third Edition is a complete guide to the aviation security system, from crucial historical events to the policies, policymak…
Thoroughly revised for the latest aviation industry changes and FAA regulations, this comprehensive reference explains how to establish and run an effi cient, reliable, and cost-effective aircraft …
Managing Airports presents a comprehensive and cutting-edge insight into today's international airport industry. Approaching management topics from a strategic and commercial perspective rather …
While there are a multitude of publications on corporate finance and financial management, only a few address the complexity of air transport industry finance and scant attention has been given to …
Although aviation is among the safest modes of transportation in the world today, accidents still happen. In order to further reduce accidents and improve safety, proactive approaches must be adopt…