Kedatangan orang Barat dan masuknya agama Islam ke Indonesia membuka lembaran sejarah baru Indonesia. Proses perubahan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik secara mendasar pun terjadi sebagai dampak dari k…
Australia dalam dirinya mengandung sesuatu yang unik. la berada di kawasan Asia namun tidak sepenuhnya Asia. Sebagian besar orang Australia adalah "orang Barat" yang katakanlah hijrah ke Timur, bai…
This collection of classic writings and current events articles from journalistic sources illuminates the central issues in the study of international relations while familiarizing students with co…
"How can such a gentle people as we are be so murderous?" a prominent Indonesian asks. That question--and the mysteries of the archipelago's vast contradictions--haunt Theodore Friend's remarkable …
Kumpulan artikel mengenai peningkatan kapasitas manusia untuk perekonomian baru, tata pemerintahan yang baik, dan identitas nasional Indonesia.
Dalam sejarah kewiraswastaan di Indonesia, Oei Tiong Ham Concern tercatat sebagai kelompok bisnis terbesar di Asia Tenggara sebelum Perang Dunia II. Kegiatan perdagangannya meliputi mancanegara--pa…
In a witty, acerbic, and provocative book, the author of the influential futurist synthesis The Knowledge-Value Revolution shows how Japan, borrowing elements from both China and the West, has crea…
The success or failure of democratic reform in Indonesia is a key question for Indonesia itself and for the surrounding region. Although Indonesia's transition to democracy holds out the promise of…
Written for general readers by the experts from the United Nations, this book looks back at the last 30 years & forward to 2000 to construct a realistic future scenario. This award-winning account …
The most frank, readable and detailed account available in the English language of the political, economic, environmental and cultural changes sweeping through Southeast Asia. By the mid-1990s, Sou…