The material covered in the Introductory Production and Operations Management course is ideally suited to the development and utilization of computer-assisted planning aids. With the arrival of the personal computer, the availability and accessibility of computers has become much easier for both instructor and student. Whereas the mainframe computer has always had a tendency to appear to be distant or removed from the user (as it actually was), the personal computer is more like a typewriter, telephone or slide rule in its function to the user.
The availability of the thirteen software programs that go along with this volume provides both the instructor and student the opportunity to utilize these programs as learning tools of the respective POM techniques.
One of the prime considerations in the development of these programs has been the notion of user friendliness. Many of the POM techniques that are programmed in this software package have previously been available in mainframe software packages. However, the user friendliness of these packages frequently was not quite up to desirable levels. Also the packages were usually developed as individual packages and user rules for one package usually had little relationship to user rules for another package.
The software programs described in this volume are not only user friendly but the operating instructions for each program are virtually identical for each package. Hence, once the user becomes familiar with one program, whatever he has learned is directly applicable to all other programs in this volume.
The student who is expected to experiment with the thirteen computer programs and who does the assignments at the end of each chapter will be thoroughly trained in the use of the techniques and will also gain a deeper understanding of all material in the Production and Operations Management course.
Becoming familiar with these programs and the techniques they represent will also enable the student/user to appreciate the benefits and advantages that are provided by in-depth exploration of POM problems, especially those that can be modeled by one of the programs available in this volume.
Any type of new software is generally not error-free. We have made extraordinary efforts to catch all errors through extensive testing and extensive use by hundreds of students. However, if you find any errors, we would like to hear from you so that they can be corrected in future versions.
Numerous individuals have participated in the testing of the software and the book. We want to express our thanks to all of those who made a contribution. We also especially want to thank Valerie Solly who was responsible for typing the several drafts of the book.
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