An inside look at the specialized world of trading -the strategies, the instruments, and the unique requirements of each marketplace...
The role of the trader-along with the mechanics of each transac- tion-comes to life in every chapter of this understandable and definitive guide. Author David M. Weiss explains each specialized trading desk. unique products and trading techniques, and the increasing effects of globalization on the marketplace.
You'll meet the over-the-counter equity trader (the high-powered and high-pressured individual on the phone behind a row of computer terminals) ... the debt trader who trades instruments representing the largest dollar portion of the market... the preferred stock trader and the unique requirements involved in trading these fixed-income instruments and many more.
This informative, highly readable book acquaints you with the termi nology and the trading procedures for stocks and bonds, including corporate bonds, munis, Treasuries, mortgage-backed securities, currencies, swaps, options, and futures.
TRADERS provides an informed picture of the specialized roles of mar- ket participants, and provides concerned business professionals, as well as investors and trading professionals, with an inside look at the dynamic, vital workings of the securities industry.
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