Strategic Staffing, Fifth Edition equips both current and future managers with the knowledge and skills to adopt a strategic and contemporary approach to talent identification, attraction, selectio…
Human Resource Management provides students with an introduction to the daily tools and skills they ?ll need to function as successful managers - in both human resources and business in general. Wi…
Learn how to be a leader in business by spearheading change in your organization, a vital skill for every executive. This text provides a framework upon which readers can understand and analyze eff…
This book provides both practical and conceptual guidance into the management of these international assignments. It provides an honest, realistic assessment of the requirements for doing business …
Modern Labor Economics has been widely hailed as thesingle most lucid and comprehensive text for undergraduate labor economics courses. The text showcases both current and classic research, using r…
Providing a broad overview of the field of labour economics, this book showcases both contemporary and classic research. Each chapter offers examples that illustrate the application of theory in a …
Exploring Employee Relations is a straightforward and accessible text that is aimed at students who are taking the subject for the first time. The structure is clear and logical, leading the newcom…
Named as BusinessWeek's #1 Management Educator, expert Dave Ulrich and his team of authors bring human resources a whole new way of thinking and practicing--moving the focus from internal issues to…
The Talent Management Handbook explains how organizations can identify and get the most out of “high-potential people” by developing and promoting them to key positions. The book explains: 1. …
The Ninth Edition of Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage was developed to teach students how to face and meet a variety of challenges within their organizations and how to ga…