Newly organized to focus exclusively on material tested in the Society of Actuaries' Exam C and the Casualty Actuarial Society's Exam 4, Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, Fourth Edition continue…
Buku ini membahas statistik rasio kecenderungan atau rasio kesesuaian (RK) Metode analisis atau model hubungan kausal yang dibahas dalam buku ini didasarkan pada data kategorik nominal dan ordinal,…
Using Multivariate Statistics provides practical guidelines for conducting numerous types of multivariate statistical analyses. It gives syntax and output for accomplishing many analyses through …
Bagi kebanyakan orang, Statistik dianggap ilmu yang ruwet dan penuh dengan rumus yang rumit. Namun dengan SPSS, pengolahan data statistik menjadi mudah dan tidak membosankan, bahkan bisa menjadi pe…
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends was the first book to produce a methodology for interpreting the predictable behavior of investors and markets. It revolutionized technical investment approaches …
The SPSS Base 16.0 User's Guide is a comprehensive reference for using SPSS. At over 700 pages, the guide includes overviews of the interface and help section; editing, preparing, and transformin…
Ada dua permasalahan dasar yang dihadapi penelitian bidang manajemen, psikologi, ilmu sosial dan perilaku pada umumnya, yaitu hubungan kausal di antara variabel-variabel penelitian dan pengukuran v…
A non-technical introduction to the question of modeling with time-varying parameters, using the beta coefficient from Financial Economics as the main example. After a brief introduction to this co…
This best-selling textbook addresses the need for an introduction to econometrics specifically written for finance students. Key features: ¢ Thoroughly revised and updated, including two new cha…
A practical guide to modern financial risk management for both practitioners and academics The recent financial crisis and its impact on the broader economy underscore the importance of financia…