The “bible” of risk management―fully updated for an investing landscape dramatically altered by social and technological upheavals When it was first published in 2005, The Essentials of Ri…
The aim of this volume is to intorduce the reader to the complexity and variety of strategies and techniques needed to operate in a global world. An international management strategy cannot be succ…
Acclaim for The Education of a Speculator, a provocative andpenetrating look into the mind, the soul, and the strategies of oneof the most controversial traders of all time "A compelling and an ent…
The author offers practical straightforward guidance to modern methods of asset allocation. Explains why each stage in the business cycle--including recession--has its profitable investment strateg…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara komprehensif hubungan antara berita ekonomi dan imbal hasil saham di Indeks LQ45 Bursa Efek Indonesia, mencakup tidak hanya berita yang langsung t…
The stock market is undergoing revolutionary change: new players, new technologies, new information flows, and new macroeconomic conditions. These changes are radically impacting investors, whether…
Every week, the investment world turns to Gene Marcials BusinessWeek column. Heres why: Marcial knows how to pick winners. Apple at 15. US Steel at 19. But Marcials track record isnt limite…
A nice overview of investing for beginning investors is Stock Picking by Richard Maturi. Maturi is one of the better professional investment writers, with a syndicated column and several books to h…
The past ten years have been good to investors. The combination of safe bluechip stocks and more volatile growth stocks has doubled the money of well-positioned investors in five years or less. Yet…
Stock index futures and options are becoming increasingly important in international financial markets. New European indices are spreading the appeal of stock index options outside the US, allowing…