This market-leading textbook provides the most authoritative, applications-rich coverage of key concepts, models, and issues in money and banking. The Sixth Edition Update features a careful revisi…
This text analyzes the entire financial system and its component parts with an expanded discussion of the trend toward globalization of financial markets and institutions. It also discusses all maj…
With insights on the monetary policy process, the regulation and supervision of the financial system and the internationalization of financial markets, this text offers a degree of flexibility with…
For courses in Capital or Financial Markets or Institutions, Investment Banking and Derivatives Markets. This text offers the most comprehensive capital market coverage available. It covers the ins…
Edwin Mansfield's approach to teaching students to learn the theory of microeconomics, then try out their knowledge by practical examples has been updated in this edition. Each chapter has been upd…
Kidwell's Financial Institutions 11 th Edition presents a balanced introduction to the operation, mechanics, and structure of the U.S. financial system, emphasizing its institutions, markets, and f…
A core text for one semester courses in Financial Institutions and Markets. A comprehensive exploration of the world's financial markets and institutions. Foundations of Financial Markets and Ins…
In Understanding Islamic Finance Muhammad Ayub introduces all the essential elements of this growing market by providing an in-depth background to the subject and clear descriptions of all the majo…
Never before has risk management been so important.Now in its third edition, this seminal work by Joël Bessis has been comprehensively revised and updated to take into account the changing face of…
"Liquidity risk is a topic growing immensely in importance in risk management. It has been much neglected by financial institutions and regulators in recent years and receives, in the course of the…