Lessons from the leading financial consulting firm What is good financial service? Being knowledgeable. Keeping in touch. Knowing your client's needs. For the past twenty-five years, senior executi…
Explore Islamic finance at a deeper level Intermediate Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice fills the gap for students and professionals who are already familiar with the fundamentals of Islamic…
This book presents the main valuation approaches that can be used to value financial institutions. By sketching 1) the different business models of banks (both commercial and investment banks) an…
Community banking can flourish in the face of fintech and global competition with a fresh approach to strategy Bankruption + Website offers a survival guide for community banks and credit unions…
As institutional shareholders increase pressure on value creation and as central banks around the world are forcing banks to improve their ALM capabilities, the time has come for every banker to ma…
Buku ini diawali dengan analisis terhadap krisis ekonomi dan perbankan yang mulai melanda Indonesia pada tahun 1997. Ia menguraikan latar belakang krisis, penyebab, dan segala konsekuensinya. Pada …
The most complete, up to date guide to risk management in finance Risk Management and Financial Institutions explains all aspects of financial risk and financial institution regulation, helping …
Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool? What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? Why do drug dealers still live with their moms? How much do parents really matter? Wha…
It is now widely accepted that economics, like many of the physical sciences, is an experimental discipline: like physics, chemistry and biology, the experimental method can be used to generate eco…
The global Islamic resurgence of the last two decades has spawned parallel intellectual efforts to articulate an alternative Islamic way of life. This volume critically assesses much of what is sai…