In this fascinating book, historian of science Edward Tenner takes a fine-toothed comb to several realms of technological intervention and discovers a resolute pattern of "revenge effects, "paradox…
Unleash Conflict's Creative Potential Absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in identity conflicts and how to overcome them. Provides a fascinating theoretical introduction to the pheno…
"Keep your cool and get the results you want when faced with crucial conversations. This New York Times bestseller and business classic has been fully updated for a world where skilled communicatio…
A big-picture look at how the latest trends in information management and technology are impacting business models and innovation worldwide With all of the recent emphasis on "big data," analyti…
The use of violence to achieve political goals stretches all the way back to biblical times, and Walter Laqueur outlines its long practice in these pages. Yet his main concern is with the 21st-cent…
Political psychology applies what is known about human psychology to the study of politics. It examines how, for example, people reach political decisions on topics such as voting, party identifica…
Corporate executives are struggling with a new trend: people using online social technologies (blogs, social networking sites, YouTube, podcasts) to discuss products and companies, write their own …
Winning Elections with Political Marketing" is a unique look at the election process on both sides of the Atlantic, providing rare insight into how modern political communication and marketing stra…
This updated second edition is the essential guide to paradoxes and takes the reader on a lively tour of puzzles that have taxed thinkers from Zeno to Galileo and Lewis Carroll to Bertrand Russell.…