Buku Peran Penting Konsep Diri dalam Membentuk Track Record Edisi Pertama (2016) diperuntukkan bagi generasi penerus bangsa Indonesia. Generasi milenium yang memiliki etos/semangat kerja untuk meng…
Media is an exciting and innovative industry. In its effort to combine business and creativity, the industry has traditionally been faced with unique challenges, increased by the short-lived nature…
Accessible and engaging, this unique text offers strategies for critical and creative thinking and includes many opportunities for practicing these fundamental skills. This text introduces stu…
Information anxiety is produced by the ever-widening gap between what we understand and what we think we should understand. It is the black hole between data and knowledge, and it happens when info…
The SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences is the definitive reference for teachers, students, and researchers of quantitative methods in the social sciences, as it pro…
1. Centering Marketing Communications 2. Improving Campaign Planning 3. Organizing the Creation of Advertisements 4. Making Support Literature Work 5. Understanding Audio-Visual Support.. 6. P…
Think about the last time you tried to change someone's mind about something important: a voter's political beliefs; a customer's favorite brand; a spouse's decorating taste. Chances are you weren'…