Congratulations! You are about to read the splendid new edition of a wonderful, sensible, and simple book that will be a priceless asset to you. If you're thinking about retiring, have decided to r…
Through his Persuasion Institute, Kurt Mortensen has sought out and studied the Persuasion IQ (PQ) of the worlds top influencers. Now, in this game-changing guide, he"s leveraging his vast knowledg…
International Business - an Asian Perspective mantains a tightly integrated flow between the chapters and identifies how real managers succeed or fail in the global economy. It includes information…
Learn today's management science concepts and techniques--and how they will benefit you in the classroom and business world beyond--with the definitive leader in management science, INTRODUCTION TO…
The Definitive Guide to Valuing Hard-to-Value Companies: Now Fully Revised for Today's Financial Markets Financial professionals have long faced the challenge of accurately valuing companies that a…
A comprehensive text and set of notes covering all learning objectives (including derivatives) for Exam FM/2 - no other textbooks are needed! Contains over 430 worked examples and original exam-sty…
Investors gain from their investments in form of capital gain or dividend. Investor would choose to have dividends than capital gain, this is because dividend have less uncertainty opposite to a ca…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh investment-cash flow sensitivity pada perusahaan grup Di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap seluruh perusahaan non-keuangan dan non-BUMN y…
Oil and gas industry is still an essential industry that takes the significant concern from the host Government since it may relate to the public wealth in the nation. The host Government needs the…
Usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia memiliki salah satu kontribusi terbesar terhadap kekuatan ekonomi negara, dimana 99 persen dari total pelaku usaha berasal dari kuadran ini dan jumlah…