The changing global economy is forcing a shift in focus on organizational financial operations. The tools needed to transform and ultimately increase a company's bottom line are given. Shows you ho…
Enables finance practitioners to compete in and understand the volatile new environment in the world of finance, and helps managers more readily anticipate and discuss the threats and opportunities…
The Eighth Edition of "Banking and Financial Services" is publishing at a time where the world that we live in is changing rapidly. The entire financial sector is threatened by significant risks at…
Usaha lembaga keuangan saat ini tumbuh sangat cepat. Ragam, bentuk, dan jenisnya pun semakin banyak dengan segala keunikan dan permasalahannya. Namun, pengetahuan masyarakat pengguna belum secepat …
The two chapters in this section set the scene for the rest of the book. They provide an introduction to financial network services, describe the range of services available and identify the most i…
Microfinance is not simply banking; it is a development tool. It has been estimated that there are 500 million economically active poor people in the world operating microenterprises and small busi…
"The first thing you think is where's the edge, where can I make a bit more money, how can I push, push the boundaries. But the point is, you are greedy, you want every little bit of money that you…
A presentation of the problems and opportunities inherent in contemporary banking. It is devoted to the understanding and use of the capital markets in the broadest sense - to enhance the overall s…
Although the concept of foreign exchange dealing is simple, the technicality of terms and the frequent restructuring of the market means that practical reliable information is vital. Foreign Exchan…
This book assesses the need to secure policy consistency, the scope for inflation targeting, the sustainability of exchange rate regimes and the scope for deeper financial integration in the Austra…