This fine blend of Harvard scholarship and seasoned judgment is really two books in one. The first develops a sophisticated approach to negotiation for executives, attorneys, diplomats -- indeed, f…
Front Flap In business and investing, risk has traditionally been viewed negatively: investors and companies can lose money due to risk and therefore we typically penalize companies for taking risk…
Designed to improve skills at assessing and managing the external business environment for international firms, this book addresses various forms of political and country risk - political instabili…
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition 13e by Ball, Geringer, McNett, and Minor continues to be the most current, objective and thorough treatment of international business ava…
"Risk management has become virtually as important as portfolio construction and asset selection, more so after the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Those who understood the fine art of risk manageme…
Introduction to Management Science gives students a strong foundation in how to make decisions and solve complex problems using both quantitative methods and software tools. In addition to extensiv…
Learn today's management science concepts and techniques--and how they will benefit you in the classroom and business world beyond--with the definitive leader in management science, INTRODUCTION TO…
The traditional role of the risk manager as corporate steward is evolving as organizations face an increasingly complex and uncertain future. The mandate to clearly identify, measure, manage, and …
Investors gain from their investments in form of capital gain or dividend. Investor would choose to have dividends than capital gain, this is because dividend have less uncertainty opposite to a ca…
Manajemen risiko perusahaan dan tata kelola perusahaan telah menjadi hal penting dalam mengelola perusahaan. Keduanya diyakini mampu mengurangi masalah keagenan, antara pemilik perusahaan dengan ma…