The strong psychological power of games can have both positive and negative consequences for the workplace. That's why it's important to put them into practice correctly from the beginning--and Ree…
Analisis dan data mencakup lebih dari 300 perusahaan yang terdaftar di bursa efek Jakarta.
Sebagaimana pada edisi pertama, edisi revisi Metode Penelitian untuk Penulisan Skripsi dan Tesis ini masih mempertahankan penyajian yang sederhana. Tujuannya adalah agar isinya mudah dimengerti ole…
Selama ini masyarakat mulai mengenal psikologi sebagai pemberi solusi bagi masalah seleksi pegawai, asesmen, pelatihan, promosi dan penempatan. Sedikit saja yang tahu bahwa psikologi sebenarnya jug…
Business ethics is a staple in the news today. One of the most difficult ethical questions facing managers is to whom are they responsible? Organizations can affect and are affected by many differe…
Colleges and universities play an important role in training competent and ethical future academic and business leaders. In today's global business environment, with volatile worldwide capital mark…
Offering an innovative new approach to sociology that takes the global dimensions of the contemporary world as its overarching framework, Global Sociology is written in a style that is relevant and…
Addressing theoretical and practical issues involved in responding to ethical problems, the author suggests that more traditional management assumptions be dropped in favour of making more flexible…
An option for Business Ethics course offered in business schools or in philosophy departments, this text balances the perspectives of business and philosophy in the cases and readings. The focus of…
The Sociologically Examined Life is a lively and concise text that uses analyses of everyday life to inspire students to think sociologically about society and about themselves as social actors.