Offers rare insight from an expert in the dynamics of trading psychology. Shows why most traders are unprepared for the strategies required for success in trading, and why behaviors which are learn…
Shareholder control over large corporations is worryingly weak and the unrestrained hunt for profits is taking a toll on the environment and society. In Corpocracy, corporate lawyer, venture capita…
This comprehensive, field-based text presents a case method approach to teaching business ethics, making it suitable for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate level courses in both philosophy and…
In his new book, Ray Reardon has identified all the major developments in networking and telecommunications. Future Networks: New Developments - New Opportunities looks at over 20 of the most im…
Penerbitan buku ini berawal dari banyaknya keluhan berbagai pihak tentang keterbatasan pemahaman tentang lingkungan sosial dalama kerangka pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Hal ini disebabkan belum ter…
Buku ini mencermati gaya hidup dara beberapa sisi, yang dikaitkan dengan citra diri, trend yang tengah berlangsung, human interest, dan krisis yang melanda kita. Buku ini juga menyajikan potret-pot…
Dalam sejarah kewiraswastaan di Indonesia, Oei Tiong Ham Concern tercatat sebagai kelompok bisnis terbesar di Asia Tenggara sebelum Perang Dunia II. Kegiatan perdagangannya meliputi mancanegara--pa…
Buku ini tidak semata-mata ditulis untuk kepentingan mahasiswa dan pengajaran di dalam kelas, melainkan perlu dipahami bagi mereka yang berkepentingan dengan kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia sendiri …
Using the proflierating volume of social science data and concepts on the subject, this book attempts to provide an alternative interpretation of the business conduct of the ethnic Chinese of East …
In this witty, accessible, and revealing book, Donald McCloskey demystifies economic theory and practice to show that behind the economists claim to certainty is the ancient art of storytelling. I…