In the moral economy, John P. Powelson argues that laws do no more than consolidate what a society has realized culturally. No major historic reform has lasted more than a few decades unless consen…
A presentation of Binmore's most significant work on the foundations on which game theory is based, including a discussion of the aims and scope of game theory which attempts to explain the nature …
By the winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Economics, an essential and paradigm-altering framework for understanding economic development--for both rich and poor--in the twenty-first century. Freedo…
The content of the book are Part I Determinants of market structure Part II Market structure and performance Part III Concentration and price Part IV Conclusion
Economic and stock market cycles affect companies in every industry. Unfortunately, a confusing array of anecdotal and conflicting indicators often renders it impossible for managers and investors …
Dalam buku ini dibahas antara lain Bagian 1 Pengantar Dasar-Dasar Ekonomi Bagian 2 Perusahaan dan Alat Ukurnya Bagian 3 Pendapatan Nasional dan Keseluruhan Kegiatan Bagian 4 Pertumbuhan dan Pem…
The success or failure of democratic reform in Indonesia is a key question for Indonesia itself and for the surrounding region. Although Indonesia's transition to democracy holds out the promise of…
Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu memahami secara analisis dan metodologi perihal gerak dan dinamika perekonomian di Indonesia.
In the last two decades of the 20th century, China stood out as the world's star performer in economic growth, thanks to the market-oriented reform that started in 1978. At the turn of the century,…
Focusing throughout on the structures of markets, processes of competition among firms, levels of performance attained and public policies regarding competition, this volume offers accounts of the …