Sebagai penyumbang penyerapan tenaga kerja terbesar di Indonesia, UMKM memiliki peran penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia, kategori tersebut menyerap sekitar 97% tenaga kerja nasional. Dari sekian…
Hospitality business today become one of the fastest growing business to support tourism, hence it is viewed by the competition. The objective of this research is to develop marketing plan and mark…
Quantitative analysis is the scientific approach to managerial decision making. Whim, emotions, and guesswork are not part of the quantitative analysis approach. The approach starts with data. Like…
For courses in Management Science or Decision Modeling A solid foundation in quantitative methods and management science This popular text gives students a genuine foundation in business anal…
This unique edition presents extensive content not covered in other books. An expansive approach guides readers through the management stages of each supply chain activity while addressing real-wor…
Examine the latest practices, trends, and emerging developments as PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A BALANCED APPROACH, 5E guides you step-by-step through the management of all supply chain …
Tesis ini membahas aspek pemasaran dari business plan untuk produksi film “Ennui” yang sedang dilakukan Buttonijo Pictures. Tesis ini dibuat untuk mengetahui bagaimana analisis bisnis, perencan…
Tesis ini membahas aspek keuangan dari business plan untuk proyek film “Ennui”, khususnya perencanaan keuangan dan analisis kelayakan investasi proyek tersebut. Dalam melakukan analisis kelayak…
Measuring the performance of production process is an important thing to do by a company to win a competition with other companies in term of efficiency and productivity. In calculating the perform…
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan business plan pendirian sebuah microfinance syariah dengan nama KJKS Mitra Maju Sejahtera. Pendirian microfinance syariah ini merupakan solusi atas kurangnya …