This is the eighteenth annual edition of the World Development Report, the standard reference for international economic data. The 1995 edition contains a special section on the importance of the m…
Actuaries have a unique opportunity to participate in retirement rather than on postretirement even and help shape the emergence of issues that are critical to our society. Many countries have popu…
Ilmu tentang perbankan dan lembaga keuangan sangat dinamis. Perubahan kondisi perekonomian dan keuangan nasional telah berpengaruh besar pada kondisi lembaga keuangan Indonesia. Buku ini berusaha m…
Research report evaluating wage policies and price policies from 1974 to 1980 in the USA - focuses on limited impact of wages and price guidelines; comments on legislation; discusses the criteria f…
Dalam buku ini membahas berbagai hal mengenai perburuhan sebagai berikut. Bab I. Arti kata, hakekat, dan sifat hukum perburuhan Bab II. Riwayat hukum perburuhan Bab III. Sumber hukum perburuhan …
International Jobs is a proven passport to success for people seeking work in the international sector. It lists over 500 career opportunities, internships, and training programs in these exciting …
Covers initial training, retraining, the effects of new technology, flexible working practices, labour market deregulation and the wider policy issues. It is a restatement of union activity and com…
Comprises a list of companies with descriptions of family-related programmes and benefits provided to their employees.
Flexible work policies benefit both employer and employee. Learn the benefits and pitfalls of setting up and implementing a successful telecommuting program.
Analyses the prospect for the future after the great illusion of the stock market bubble 'money for nothing'. This book argues that if we can avoid the twin perils of protectionism and a property s…