A practical guide to the practices and procedures of effectively managing banking risks Managing Risks in Commercial and Retail Banking takes an in-depth, logical look at dealing with all aspect…
A step-by-step, real world guide to the use of Value at Risk (VaR) models, this text applies the VaR approach to the measurement of market risk, credit risk and operational risk. The book describes…
Guide to Optimal Operational Risk and Basel II presents the key aspects of operational risk management that are also aligned with the Basel II requirements. This volume provides detailed guidance f…
Banking is now an active asset-liability risk management enterprise, attributable in large part to the globalization of commerce. The authors of this descriptive yet practical, applications-orien…
Bank syariah lebih mampu bertahan di tengah krisis ekonomi. Ia menjadi bagian integral dari sistem perbankan nasional, setelah keberadaannya diperkokoh oleh Keputusan Bank Indonesia. PEMERINTAH …
Like previous editions, the 4/e is designed to help those students who are thinking about a career in banking or in the banking field, by providing them with a view of the subject from the perspect…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari loan at risk (LAR) dan variabel bank spesifik lainnya terhadap rentabilitas bank umum di Indonesia berdasarkan klasifikasi modal inti. Peneli…
A value management framework designed specifically for banking and insurance The Value Management Handbook is a comprehensive, practical reference written specifically for bank and insurance val…
Lessons from the leading financial consulting firm What is good financial service? Being knowledgeable. Keeping in touch. Knowing your client's needs. For the past twenty-five years, senior executi…
Community banking can flourish in the face of fintech and global competition with a fresh approach to strategy Bankruption + Website offers a survival guide for community banks and credit unions…