Buku ini diawali dengan analisis terhadap krisis ekonomi dan perbankan yang mulai melanda Indonesia pada tahun 1997. Ia menguraikan latar belakang krisis, penyebab, dan segala konsekuensinya. Pada …
The most complete, up to date guide to risk management in finance Risk Management and Financial Institutions explains all aspects of financial risk and financial institution regulation, helping …
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat seberapa cocok model-model prediksi kebangkrutan yang ada dan selama ini digunakan di negara-negara lain untuk digunakan pada masa krisis di Indonesia. Adapun…
Banking is becoming an information age technology leader that provides its services through a growing number of channels, driven by the convenience demands of consumers. The Electronic Future of Ba…
This book describes how to develop an operational information base for the successful management of a financial institution in today's environment. The types of information needed are examined in d…
Managing Financial Institutions provides comprehensive coverage of asset and liability management techniques for depository institutions, finance companies, insurance companies, pension funds and o…
The contents of the book are Part I: Applications. Survey. Finance. Economics. Services. Planning and Scheduling. Production Planning. Marketing. Organizational Strategies. Part II: Techniques a…
Ilmu tentang perbankan dan lembaga keuangan sangat dinamis. Perubahan kondisi perekonomian dan keuangan nasional telah berpengaruh besar pada kondisi lembaga keuangan Indonesia. Buku ini berusaha m…
Not just a review of available banking technology rather, it is a practical and impartial review of how financial services and banking institutions can re-evaluate strategies and incorporate new te…
The aim of this research is to explore the determinants that influence people’s intention to migrate to Islamic banking, especially among Gen-Y and Gen-Z in Indonesia. Reports show both generatio…