New relationships - both business-to-business and business-to-consumer, not possible before the Net - enable firms to co-evolve in online business communities. These communities are the most powerf…
Ilmuwan sebagai manusia yang bergulat dengan kebenaran sekular pada gilirannya akan menjadi komunikator dari kebe- naran itu melalui aktivitas kebahasaannya, baik lisan maupun tulisan. Ilmu akhirny…
Economic Interests and Institutions offers a comprehensive treatment of the public policy problem, the role of economic institutions in the design of new policy initiatives, and the way in which ec…
A Photographic Celebration of the Life and Work ofthe Legendary Peter Drucker Born on November 19, 1909, Peter Drucker grew up in Austria and moved to Germany at the age of seventeen. When the Nazi…
This text examines the role of ethics in the business world and the ethical dilemmas encountered by managers. Ethical decisions do not take place in a vacuum, and many people, faced with their own …
This book, a best-seller in its first edition, uses cultural metaphors to help students and managers understand, describe, and compare national cultures. In addition to expanding the number of coun…
A stimulating appraisal of a crucial contemporary theme, this comprehensive analysis of globalizaton offers a distinctively cultural perspective on the social theory of the contemporary world. This…
In Getting Beyond Race, Richard Payne takes the practical approach that race relations are ultimately about ordinary people interacting with each other. Payne argues that confrontation, blaming, an…
This survey originally appeared in N. L. Gage (Editor), Handbook of Research on Teaching, published by Rand McNally & Company in 1963, under the longer title "Experimental and Quasi-Experimental De…
This is a pragmatic, hands-on, up-to-date guide to determining right and wrong in the business world. Joseph Weiss integrates a stakeholder perspective with an issues-oriented approach so students …