Crawford's New Product Management 12e provides the management approach to teaching new products, with the perspective of marketing. Adopters of previous editions will notice that the format is slim…
This book is designed to enable non-native English speakers to write science research for publication in English. It is a practical, user-friendly book intended as a fast, do-it-yourself guide for …
Housing Affordability Stress (HAS) telah menjadi isu yang semakin penting di Indonesia, dengan biaya perumahan yang meningkat lebih cepat daripada pertumbuhan pendapatan. Isu ini khususnya menjadi …
Strategic Staffing, Fifth Edition equips both current and future managers with the knowledge and skills to adopt a strategic and contemporary approach to talent identification, attraction, selectio…
International Edition of Advertising and Promotion 13th Edition by George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch. Today, we are experiencing the most dynamic and revolutionary changes of any era in the history…
Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pengaruh faktor inovasi (keaslian, kemasan, produk, dan proses) terhadap niat pembelian produk kerajinan tangan Nusantara. Berdasarkan data 386 responden yang pernah…
It is widely believed that the underwriter affects the IPO performance of the issuing firm. This research examines how the reputation of underwriters affects the initial returns of IPOs with the mo…
This work contains a thorough analysis of the external influences that affect business activity. Theory is backed up by a wealth of statistical data, commentary and mini case studies.
Quantitative Analysis for Management helps you develop a real-world understanding of business analytics, quantitative methods, and management science. It does this by using mathematical model build…
In this textbook on consumer behavior the author looks at how the field of marketing is influenced by the actions of consumers and also how we, as consumers, are influenced by marketers.