Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh merger dan akuisisi (M&A) vertikal terhadap nilai perusahaan di sektor energi global, dengan membedakan integrasi vertikal berdasarkan hulu, hil…
Overview:Charles Hill’s Global Business Today, he has become the most widely used text in the International Business market. Hill explains that he attempted to write a book that: (1) is comprehen…
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh skor Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) terhadap risiko financial distress perusahaan publik non finansial di negara emerging dan devel…
Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh keberagaman direksi dan porsi kepemilikan pemerintah pada kinerja keuangan perusahaan BUMN sebelum dan selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan data pan…
Overview:Charles Hill’sGlobal Business Today, 7ehas become the most widely used text in the International Business market. Hill explains that he attempted to write a book that: (1) iscomprehensiv…
Whether you are a senior executive or a project manager, its your job to help your organization grow and increase its value to stakeholders. Project management is the unique organizational competen…
Whether you are a senior executive or a project manager, its your job to help your organization grow and increase its value to stakeholders. Project management is the unique organizational competen…
As the market-leading textbook on the subject, Project Management: The Managerial Process is distinguished by its balanced treatment of both the technical and behavioral issues in project managemen…
Offering streamlined coverage with an applied approach, Project Management in Practice, 5th Edition focuses on the essentials of project management. This concise, hands-on text is ideal for a one s…
Following a computer program orientation, Core Concepts focuses on more than just concepts. It actually shows how to effectively do project management. The book is organized around the project mana…