The updated Second Edition of Energy Risk presents an authoritative overview of the contemporary energy trading arena, combining the lesson's from the last decade with proven methods and strategies…
Why did the price of gold hit record highs in 2008? Take a look at the headlines - government bailouts of failed banks, mortgage and credit crises, rising inflation, slowing growth and global insec…
The latest cutting-edge research on market microstructure Based on the December 2010 conference on market microstructure, organized with the help of the Institut Louis Bachelier, this guide brin…
What actually was the economic situation in 1929 and what happened to the stock market? Harold Bierman's fresh look at the Crash of '29 provides provocative answers that challenge the facts and o…
The book discusses a comprehensive concept of housing finance. English and Indonesian versions bound together back-to-back and inverted. Includes index.
Acclaimed for its clarity, Exchange Rates and International Finance provides an approachable guide to the causes and consequences of exchange rate fluctuations, enabling you to grasp the essentials…
"Management Control Systems" helps students to develop the insight and analytical skills required of today's managers. Students uncover how real-world managers design, implement, and use planning a…
A comprehensive guide to financial econometrics Financial econometrics is a quest for models that describe financial time series such as prices, returns, interest rates, and exchange rates. In Fina…
Drawing on the experience of leading practitioners across the hedge fund and funds of funds industry, the book brings you independent, practical and focused advice and experience from the perspecti…
A complete options course from the renowned trading instructor. Options trading continues to capture the mind of the sophisticated individual investor. This book presents a full options trading …