The countries of East and Southeast Asia have the world's most dynamic money markets. Essential to the Asian economy, their performance plays a crucial role in the successful development of other f…
Comprises case studies based on statistical surveys, interviews and policy analyses of foreign direct investment (FDI) in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, and FD…
In the second half of 1997 Thailand, Malaysia, Korea and Indonesia experienced a massive outflow of foreign capital - more than $100 billion. The effects of this rival the worst years of the Latin …
The deep currency crisis which erupted in the beginning of July 1997 among the rapidly growing economies of Southeast Asia raises the question: "Have the rapid rates of growth in the late 1980s and…
This book assesses the need to secure policy consistency, the scope for inflation targeting, the sustainability of exchange rate regimes and the scope for deeper financial integration in the Austra…
The banking markets of Asia contain some of the largest opportunities in the world. These riches, however, come with risks and volatility. As the Asian banking markets try to leapfrog their way int…
Throughout the 1980's and the 1990's Asia's economic growth astonished the world. The region's stock markets soared to new heights unprecedented economic growth rates were recorded and an acquisiti…
This book is a challenging volume by distinguished, leading scholars of East Asian political economy; it provides a distinct alternative to simplistic accounts of the Asian crisis which generally s…
The Asian crisis has sparked a thoroughgoing reappraisal of current international financial norms, the policy prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund, and the adequacy of the existing fina…
Identifies eight key trends considered to be shaping Asia into a new network of nations to rival the West: the growing domination of the Chinese in the region; the growth of consumer spending; mode…