Well-functioning financial markets are critical for supporting East Asia's ambitious growth and development agenda. Over the coming years, East Asia's financial sector will need to be highly divers…
After 9/11, Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, knew, if he needed any further reinforcement, that we're living in a new world--the world of a global capitalist economy that is v…
The phenomenal worldwide development over the past decade of Islamic banking and finance is drawing much attention to South East Asia, which, on the platform of its own economic growth success, is …
Dalam sejarah kewiraswastaan di Indonesia, Oei Tiong Ham Concern tercatat sebagai kelompok bisnis terbesar di Asia Tenggara sebelum Perang Dunia II. Kegiatan perdagangannya meliputi mancanegara--pa…
Ilmuwan sebagai manusia yang bergulat dengan kebenaran sekular pada gilirannya akan menjadi komunikator dari kebe- naran itu melalui aktivitas kebahasaannya, baik lisan maupun tulisan. Ilmu akhirny…
A Photographic Celebration of the Life and Work ofthe Legendary Peter Drucker Born on November 19, 1909, Peter Drucker grew up in Austria and moved to Germany at the age of seventeen. When the Nazi…
An insider's view of the investment banking world from someone who is actually shaping it Powerful, controversial and determined, Thomas Weisel is known for his unwavering focus on winning the race…