Research indicates that emotional intelligence (EI) accounts for an astonishing 70-80 percent of management success. Technical expertise just isnt enough anymore: project managers need strong int…
Crawford's New Product Management 12e provides the management approach to teaching new products, with the perspective of marketing. Adopters of previous editions will notice that the format is s…
This fine blend of Harvard scholarship and seasoned judgment is really two books in one. The first develops a sophisticated approach to negotiation for executives, attorneys, diplomats -- indeed, f…
Learn today's management science concepts and techniques--and how they will benefit you in the classroom and business world beyond--with the definitive leader in management science, INTRODUCTION TO…
Investors gain from their investments in form of capital gain or dividend. Investor would choose to have dividends than capital gain, this is because dividend have less uncertainty opposite to a ca…
Hospitality business today become one of the fastest growing business to support tourism, hence it is viewed by the competition. The objective of this research is to develop marketing plan and mark…
In an increasingly complex world, decision analysis has a major role to play in helping decision-makers to gain insights into the problems they face. Decision Analysis for Management Judgment is un…
The tools to launch a new venture and the knowledge for entrepreneurial success. With a practical, “hands on” approach to entrepreneurship, this text aims to provide students with the knowledg…
Between 2002 and 2008, Japan's economy saw constant expansion, a record among the world's advanced economies and Japan's longest period of economic growth since World War II. This remarkable achi…
Acknowledged as the outstanding business leader of the late twentieth century, Jack Welch made General Electric one of the world's most competitive companies. This dynamic CEO defined the standar…