Argues that perfect competition has a tendency to promote a general deterioration in quality. The book also contends that it is very difficult for competitive firms to behave in socially desirable …
One of the dramatic shifts that is occurring in the world system as we enter the twenty-first century is the increasing openness and interpenetration of national economies and sovereign states. Thi…
Argues that capitalism (or free-market economies) is a naturally occurring phenomenon and the way human society organizes itself for survival in a world of limited resources. Offers a view of the h…
The new competitive challenge from Chinese businesses is like nothing seen by Western companies since the Japanese arrived twenty years ago with their cars and consumer electronics. To fend off the…
Negotiating Competitiveness will interest anyone concerned with national industrial competitiveness in the contemporary global economy. This book goes beyond the empirical evidence to examine the e…
Bruce Greenwald, one of the nation's leading business professors, presents a new and simplified approach to strategy that cuts through much of the fog that has surrounded the subject. Based on his …
Already cited by the Financial Times,, The Economic Times, WSJ/Mint and several other prominent global business publications, Winning in Emerging Markets is quickly becoming the go-to bo…
Featuring many classic articles, the popular Strategy Reader provides a remarkable overview of continuing debates in the field of strategic management. The second edition retains many of the classi…