Examines the financial crises of the past two decades to offer an analysis of the current recession, and argues for a new economic paradigm that limits the potential mayhem of the free market witho…
Identifies eight key trends considered to be shaping Asia into a new network of nations to rival the West: the growing domination of the Chinese in the region; the growth of consumer spending; mode…
This volume of 24 essays covers human resources, social and physical infrastructure, productivity, international competitiveness, technopreneurship, finance, the macroeconomy and its external dimen…
Tantangan perekonomian Indonesia di abad 21 dengan mengacu pada kondisi Asia Pasifik; jilid ini memperingati HUT Bank Summa ke-45.
Market societies have created more wealth, and more opportunities for more people, than any other system of social organization in history. Yet we still have a rudimentary understanding of how mark…
Krisis multidimensional di Indonesia yang dipicu dari kemerosotan nilai tukar rupiah sudah berlangsung lebih dari 5 tahun. Karena penanganan yang bertele-tele, krisis telah merembet ke hampir semua…
Buku mengenai Prospek Ekonomi Indonesia tahun 1988/89 ini merupakan terbitan yang keempat kalinya sejak seminar Prospek Ekonomi dihidupkan kembali pada awal tahun 1985. Masalah kelemahan dalam Nera…
A critical appraisal that challenges the Japanese to reacess how they see themselves and their responsibilities to other countries. Offers an objective analysis of the economics of international co…
The EU has changed beyond recognition since the "six" signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957. It is now a major driving force in the economic and social policy of all member states, With economic and mo…
Fifty years ago, per capita incomes in South East and North East Asia did not differ nearly as much as today. Professor Yoshihara asks a simple question - why has the difference increased so dramat…