This second edition of the ground-breaking Ethics in Finance is an up-to-date, valuable addition to the emerging field of finance ethics. Citing examples of the scandals that have shaken public con…
Businesses and the accounting profession have never been under such close ethical scrutiny because of the ethics scandals that have prevented organizations and people from reaching their objectives…
This book takes a new approach to ethics by focusing on the kinds of dilemmas that confront people almost daily on the job. The author's unique contribution is to meld philosophy with everyday deci…
This collection provides students in Business Ethics courses a comprehensive overview of the major areas of ethical theories and issues, including employer-employee relations, consumer affairs, bus…
Illustrates how using ethics in decision making can improve communication, resolve disagreements, and set just standards for worker-management relations. Presents strategies for how organizations c…
This case-oriented text applies current insights in ethical theory to a variety of issues drawn from today's managerial experience. The cases go beyond simply raising questions to theoretically exp…
Businesses and the accounting profession have never been under such close ethical scrutiny because of the ethics scandals that have prevented organizations and people from reaching their objectives…
Learn to make the most ethical decisions possible with BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS FOR DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVES, AND ACCOUNTANTS! Providing real-world examples of ethical issues in the workplace,…
Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics Resolving today's most pressing questions about business behavior has become a priority in today's corporate environment. In deciding how to act, ma…
LGST 652 considers the ethical responsibilities of managers and corporations. It is designed to raise difficult ethical conflicts and dilemmas, and to provide plausible frameworks for dealing with …