The Economics of the Good Society: Comparing the Experiences of Innovative Economic Systems examines societal hopes for a better economic system - a Good Society.
The authors argue that wealth accumulation is shifting from income that is earned (salaries) to unearned (investments). They show how the current shift from computing to communicating will alter th…
Fifty years ago, per capita incomes in South East and North East Asia did not differ nearly as much as today. Professor Yoshihara asks a simple question - why has the difference increased so dramat…
Actuaries have a unique opportunity to participate in retirement rather than on postretirement even and help shape the emergence of issues that are critical to our society. Many countries have popu…
The contents of the book are 1. The Trend Toward Private Pensions 2. Basic Issues in Structuring Pension Financing 3. Privatizing Retirement Income 4. Tax Policy Towards Private Pensions 5. Pe…
Comprises ten papers. Focuses on the interaction between private and state provision of pensions.
Penelitian ini mengkaji permasalahan terkait menurunnya pendapatan pada UMKM De Saung, sebuah restoran khas Sunda di Kota Bogor. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan berbagai kerangka kerja, seperti anal…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh penghindaran pajak dan income smoothing terhadap nilai perusahaan dengan kepemilikan keluarga sebagai variabel moderasi. Pengujian hipotesis dilaku…