Reviews the major issues challenging the current regulatory environment. The text analyzes banks and insurance companies moving away from their traditional business operations to enter into investm…
To truly understand the current interest in the development of Islamic banking and finance in South-East Asia and how it is different from the conventional banking system, one must first understand…
The contents of the book are PART 1 Contract PART 2 Sale of Goods PART 3 Partnership PART 4 Financial Security and the Stock Market PART 5 Islamic Currency PART 6 Insurance/Takaful PART 7 Po…
The first edition of this book addressed a critical gap in the study of the application and administration of Islamic law in Malaysia. Administration of Islamic Law in Malaysia, Text and Material…
This book revolves around the issues on the formation of contract under Common Law and also Islamic Law. All the elements of contract are discussed in detail in this book. The author has made a com…
This collection of essays explores the most relevant developments at the interface of economics and psychology, giving special attention to models of irrational behavior, and draws the relevant imp…
One of the most important activities undertaken under the UNDP/ILO/ASEAN Programme on Industrial Relations for Development (RAS/81/033) was the ASEAN Tripartite Symposium on Labour Protection and L…
Dalam buku ini membahas berbagai hal mengenai perburuhan sebagai berikut. Bab I. Arti kata, hakekat, dan sifat hukum perburuhan Bab II. Riwayat hukum perburuhan Bab III. Sumber hukum perburuhan …
Peranan buku ajar bagi mahasiswa dalam mengenal, memahami dan mempelajari ilmu tertentu dipandang sangat vital, terlebih lagi dalam pendidikan yang mempergunakan sistem SKS di mana tatap muka antar…
Buku ini membahas segala macam ketentuan maupun peraturan yang berkaitan dengan lisensi yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pembahasannya tidak hanya mencakup ketentuan perundang-undangan dalam bidang Hak a…