Kenaikan valuasi perusahaan dari investasi akan tercermin dalam peningkatan nilai saham di pasar modal. Perusahaan yang sehat adalah perusahaan yang mampu membayar utang tepat waktu dan menjalankan…
Perilisan green bonds pada pasar keuangan internasional memiliki kemungkinan untuk menimbulkan fenomena spillover pada yield green bond antar negara. Penelitian ini menganalisis return spillover da…
Permintaan terhadap mobil listrik telah meningkat secara signifikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, namun masih mewakili sebagian kecil dari total kendaraan baru yang terjual secara global. Peneliti…
This study focuses on analyzing Indonesia's role as a member of the G20 post the 2022 G20 Summit it hosted, using advanced data analytics. It investigates how hosting events like the G20 Summit aff…
The innovation engine that powered the U.S. economy to unmatched prosperity over the last century is now failing, threatening the way we work and live. As the nation spins its wheels--reeling from …
There is no country on earth that might have a greater need than Indonesia to be concerned about its ocean space and resources. For centuries at a crossroads of the international trade, with geo-st…
From Argentina to Zimbabwe, rapid growth and economic transformation are creating a wide array of new business opportunitiesfor multinational corporations and individual investors alike. But the …
If political power is directly related to economic wealth, then multinational corporations are powerful actors in the international system. The sales of some are greater than the gross national pro…
The new environmental policy agenda for the 1990s will require major changes in economic in the generation of power; in transport; and in the exploitation of natural resources. This volume examines…
This text establishes the principles of the field, namely concepts and background information on ecology, environmental ethics, environmental issues and strategies for dealing with these issues.