While the destruction of the World Trade Center and the strike against the Pentagon shocked the world at large, experts on terrorism like Walter Laqueur couldn't feign complete surprise. In No End …
The use of violence to achieve political goals stretches all the way back to biblical times, and Walter Laqueur outlines its long practice in these pages. Yet his main concern is with the 21st-cent…
In a front-page review in the Washington Post Book World, John Judis wrote: "Political analysts have been poring over exit polls and precinct-level votes to gauge the meaning of last November's ele…
Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock and The Third Wave are among the most influential books of our time. Now, in Powershift, he brings to a climax the ideas set forth in his previous works to offer a st…
Makalah seminar mengenai kondisi sosial budaya dan politik di Indonesia bagian timur. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pertahanan dan Konsolidasi Perdamaian bagi Masyarakat Indonesia Timur yang diselengg…
Since 1990, more than 10 million people have been killed in the civil wars of failed states, and hundreds of millions more have been deprived of fundamental rights. The threat of terrorism has only…
"How can such a gentle people as we are be so murderous?" a prominent Indonesian asks. That question--and the mysteries of the archipelago's vast contradictions--haunt Theodore Friend's remarkable …
Kumpulan artikel yang diterbitkan sebelumnya tentang kondisi politik dan demokrasi di Indonesia.
Indonesia enters the new millennium at a time of transition. It has experienced several crises--in particular the economic crisis of 1997-98, a severe intensification of its environmental degradati…
Kecenderungan serta kebijakan setiap rezim penguasa sudah pasti berbeda. Demikian halnya di Indonesia yang telah mengalami beberapa kali pergantian rezim. Ada teori mengatakan, kekuasaan cenderu…