The world takes note when WARREN BUFFETT SPEAKS: "If people want to improve their investing skills, it has to help to study how the Master does it. This short book outlines Buffett's philosophy …
Berinvestasi lewat bursa saham bukan hanya untuk pebisnis kelas kakap atau orang berpendidikan tinggi. Masyarakat umum tanpa batas latarbelakang dapat membeli/ memiliki dan/ menjual saham-saham per…
This second edition of Managing Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process addresses these dynamic characteristics in a comprehensive and logical fashion. In addition, it fully meets the basic criter…
A series of studies developed at Salomon Brothers Inc. that is based on the concept of shortfall risk, which is the risk of failing to earn the minimum return that an investment manager regards as …
Though they rely more on large-scale market dynamics than individual company fundamentals, technical traders still live or die based on the actual stocks they trade. How to Select Stocks Using Tech…
The remarkable growth of direct investment flows among the advanced countries has far outstripped that of world trade. Indeed a growing share of trade is pulled along in their wake. Using a compara…
Offers specific guidance on directing or applying real options analysis in financial decision-making. Contains outlines of spreadsheet solutions. All four authors are senior academics at Manchester…
This text concentrates on how the prices of options and financial futures are determined. The material is evenly split between options and financial futures. Students are shown how to think and ana…
he important connection between financial processes and the macroeconomic environment has been revealed in some of today′s most inventive economic analysis. Areas of current interest include stoc…
The way affluent investors approach their portfolios may be strikingly different from how small or average investors invest. Author Stephen P. Rappaport takes a fascinating look at the affluent…