In Financial Markets and Institutions, bestselling authors Frederic S. Mishkin and Stanley G. Eakins provide a practical introduction to prepare students for today’s changing landscape of financi…
Departing from the traditional approach of other works, this text avoids rote memorization of institutional detail through the use of a unifying analytical framework that helps students not only to…
To be financially literate in today's market, one must have a solid understanding of derivatives concepts and instruments and the uses of those instruments in corporations. The Third Edition has an…
For courses in International Investment. Global Investments, the Sixth Edition of the previously titled International Investments, provides accessible coverage of international capital markets usin…
A Triple Helix of university-industry-government interactions is the key to innovation in increasingly knowledge-based societies. As the creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge moves …
Hedge Fund Market Wizards will be a modern day sequel to the highly successful Market Wizards and New Market Wizards written over 20 years ago. These two earlier volumes have become classics in the…
This book describes the tools and techniques of value-at-risk and risk decomposition, which underlie risk budgeting. Most readers will never actually compute a value-at-risk (VaR) estimate. That …
"A rare blend of a well-organized, comprehensive guide to portfolio management and a deep, cutting-edge treatment of the key topics by distinguished authors who have all practiced what they preach.…
Investor relations is an essential facet of any publicly tradedcompany, inevitably affecting its stock price, investments, andliquidity. Maximizing Your Investor Relations provides practicalguidanc…
Saham, obligasi, Reksa Dana, dan berbagai macam bentuk investasi finansial sudah akrab diketahui masyarakat sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk mem- biakkan uang. Namun bagaimana aturan mainnya, pa…