Dalam era modern ini membawa banyak perubahan yang signifikan dalam hal life style. Manusia modern berpikir tentang seberapa penting status itu. Indikator untuk mengukur seberapa tinggi status adal…
This book provides both practical and conceptual guidance into the management of these international assignments. It provides an honest, realistic assessment of the requirements for doing business …
The aim of this volume is to intorduce the reader to the complexity and variety of strategies and techniques needed to operate in a global world. An international management strategy cannot be succ…
Fred Neubauer and Alden Lank offer valuable insight into one of the driving forces of the economy: family-controlled enterprises. They look at how these locomotives of the economy are directed and …
Challenging the long-held belief that economics is a discipline that can be adequately pursued in isolation from the other social sciences, this book develops a new theoretical approach to entrepre…
In this substantially revised and updated edition of his 1986 business classic, Creating Shareholder Value, Alfred Rappaport provides managers and investors with the practical tools needed to gener…
On business and entrepreneurship development in Indonesia.
Buku ini mengulas tentang mutasi DNA yang terjadi dan yang perlu dilakukan oleh para eksekutif powerhouse . Dan karena mutasi itu bersifat sensitif, seperti sensitifnya penangkaran hewan-hewan la…
Membebaskan belenggu - belenggu untuk meraih keberanian dan keberhasilan dalam pembaruan. Apa yang terjadi kalau change DNA terbelenggu? Bebaskan mereka dari belenggu-belenggu itu, Anda akan merasa…
Eksekutif Indonesia umumnya hanya tahu bagaimana mengelola keteraturan dan suasana yang tumbuh. Bagaimana mengelola perusahaan yang sedang turun? Eksekutif harus terbiasa dengan perubahan dan cepat…