This market-leading textbook provides the most authoritative, applications-rich coverage of key concepts, models, and issues in money and banking. The Sixth Edition Update features a careful revisi…
'Forecasting Volatility in the Financial Markets' assumes that the reader has a firm grounding in the key principles and methods of understanding volatility measurement and builds on that knowledge…
Correspondent banking is one of the many areas of international banking activity that has undergone dramatic changes in the past decade. These changes have affected nearly all aspects of correspond…
This book provides a detailed coverage of the UK banking and finance system together with an overview of the various theoretical issues relating to banking. The text also analyses the main trends a…
The escalation in undisbuned loan in the aftermath of economic crisis, both in nominal terms as well as in proportion to loan commitment, has captured the widespread attention of bankers, businessm…
With insights on the monetary policy process, the regulation and supervision of the financial system and the internationalization of financial markets, this text offers a degree of flexibility with…
Today national boundaries are dissolving in the flood of money flowing ceaselessly around the globe, seeking safe havens and high profits. Managing these vast sums is a new breed of bankers. They a…
Retail banking is a vital business in today's financial services world. Until recently, institutions with a retail banking function- commercial banks, savings institutions, savings banks and credit…
Ethical Banking analyses pressures on bank managers and others in financial services. It guides them in ethical decision taking and behaviour. The book makes major contributions to new thinking on …
Recent Developments in International Banking and Finance represents the research and strategies presented at the third annual Symposium on International Banking and Finance, sponsored by the Gradua…