Great business leaders possess more than celebrated traits like charisma and an appetite for risk. They have "contextual intelligence"a profound ability to understand the Zeitgeist of their times…
Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management addresses all areas of performance management, from performance pay and giving feedback to managing underperformers and having difficult conversations…
21st Edition continues its tradition of being a preeminently teachable text because of its mainstream content and balanced coverage of what every student needs to know about the managerial tasks of…
China has a rich and long historical past. Her strategists were also numerous. As early as BC 1066, during the rule of the Shang emperor, Zhou Wang, Jiang Ziya emerged as an outstanding strategist.…
Provides data and analysis on US and international investment opportunities. Covers more than 40 countries, listing return data on all major asset categories and relating these returns to factors s…
Bodie, Kane, and Marcus' "Investments and Portfolio Management" sets the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks. It blends practical and theoretical coverage, while maintaining an appropri…
The decade since the publication of the Cadbury Report in1992 has seen growing interest in corporate governance. This growth has recently become an explosion with major corporate scandals such as W…
The Definitive Guide to Valuing Hard-to-Value Companies: Fully Revised for Today’s Financial Markets Valuing money-making companies that have long histories and established business models is …
What's the next evolutionary step for forward-thinking management? Many companies have tried altering their business processes, and even their organizational structures, but most efforts have not r…
A comprehensive look at the fascinating and complex subject of ethics in business that is both theoretically rich and engaging.Fisher and Lovell focus on developing ethical awareness and give as mu…