This book is intended for a one-year graduate course in econometrics. The prerequisites for that course include calculus, statistics, and an introduction to econometrics at the level of, say, Gujar…
This book systematically and thoroughly covers the vast literature on the nonparametric and semiparametric statistics and econometrics that has evolved over the last five decades. Within this frame…
This text aims to help students understand the art of model building, what type of model to build, building the appropriate model, testing it statistically and applying the model to practical probl…
This text aims to help students understand the art of model building, what type of model to build, building the appropriate model, testing it statistically and applying the model to practical probl…
First-third edition, published as: Preface to econometrics. Includes index.
Gujarati and Porter's Basic Econometrics provides an elementary but comprehensive introduction to econometrics without resorting to matrix algebra, calculus, or statistics beyond the elementary lev…
This new text is designed to make modern econometric techniques accessible and understandable to the non-specialist. It introduces and explains techniques that are now widely used in applied work, …
Sudah banyak buku yang membahas statistika dan ekonometrika, tetapi masih sangat jarang buku yang membahas EViews. EViews adalah program komputer digunakan untuk mengolah data statistika dan ekonom…
This edition introduces students to the broad field of applied econometrics - including basic techniques in regression analysis. It provides an effective bridge to both on-the-job problems and to t…
The Fourth Edition offers new improvements: - Condensed matrix approach to linear regression - Improved and condensed chapters on Econometric Modeling - A new chapter on Nonlinear Regression Mod…