This book is designed for a first course in international business, either as part of a general business and management degree, or for post-experience courses. Each chapter is self-contained and ca…
Designed to improve skills at assessing and managing the external business environment for international firms, this book addresses various forms of political and country risk - political instabili…
This text focuses on key macro and micro issues in international business and is designed to satisfy the demands for a first course in international business at either the undergraduate or graduate…
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition 13e by Ball, Geringer, McNett, and Minor continues to be the most current, objective and thorough treatment of international business ava…
International Business - an Asian Perspective mantains a tightly integrated flow between the chapters and identifies how real managers succeed or fail in the global economy. It includes information…
Investors gain from their investments in form of capital gain or dividend. Investor would choose to have dividends than capital gain, this is because dividend have less uncertainty opposite to a ca…
Hospitality business today become one of the fastest growing business to support tourism, hence it is viewed by the competition. The objective of this research is to develop marketing plan and mark…
Offers insight into how to sustain growth in advanced and developing countries, explains how the living standard gaps between the West and the rest of the world occurred, and addresses key challeng…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas dan mengetahui tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan Global Talent Development Program (GTDP) di PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk period…
Many individuals proclaim that global capitalism is here to stay. Unfettered markets, they argue, now drive the world, and all countries must adjust, no matter how painful this may be for some. Rob…